Teachers' perception of mothers' involvement in their children's education

ERNAPE 11th Biennial Conference: Intensification, constraint and opportunity: changing roles for parents, schools and communities. Addressing equity and diversity issues

Autore/as: Rodríguez-Ruiz, B.; Martínez-González, R. A. y Fernández-Freire Álvarez, L.

Tipo de participación: Poster

Denominación del congreso: ERNAPE 11th Biennial Conference: Intensification, constraint and opportunity: changing roles for parents, schools and communities. Addressing equity and diversity issues

Entidad organizadora: ERNAPE

Ciudad de celebración: Londres

Fecha de publicación: 5-7 de julio de 2017

Publicación: Actas del Congreso

Descargar el fichero 2017_ERNAPE_Teachers-Families_Lond36.pdf

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